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ANZ Hot Shots 

ANZ Hot Shots Program is a great way to start tennis. We understand the importnance of player development from the start. We provide a high quality, innovative tennis coaching program which you can try out for free! 

Hot Shots Tennis is Tennis Australia’s official starter program.  It is designed to let children develop technically and tactically in an environment that is always fun and exciting.  Aimed at children aged 4-11 years old, it uses modified courts, racquets and balls tailored to children's development.  The Hot Shots Program is based on a “learning through play” philosophy where children serve, rally and score. The program is a first building block of our comprehensive tennis development pathway where students acquire and develop all fundamental skills required for a game of tennis. 

Our Hot Shots Classes: 

KICK START (3-4 years): 

the classes are held INDOORS: 45 minutes, 6:1 Player o Coach Ratio, Mo|Wed|Fri - 9:30am & 10:15am 


Blue Stage is an introduction to tennis-related skills where students develop all fundamental motor skills such as throwing, catching, balance, hand-eye coordination, rhythm skills, ball striking, etc.. It is a great introduction for young kids to physical activity while using a wide variety of equipment. The classes are held in our indoor facility to ensure the class is always on regardless of the weather. View here what students learn in this class. 



RED (5-7 years): 

45 minutes, 6:1 Player to Coach Ratio, Mo - Fri - 4pm & Saturday 9am & 9:45am


Red Stage is an introduction to the game of tennis using modified equipment such as smaller racquets, tennis nets and softer tennis balls. Red Stage is a highly engaging class where every student is engaged - so no standing in lines waiting to hit a ball. Students learn basic technique and understanding of the game including basic scoring and tactics. View here what students learn in this class. 



ORANGE (7-9 years):

60 minutes, 6:1 Player to Coach Ratio, Mo - Thur - 4:45pm


In Orange Stage, students move from small tennis court to a bigger, three quarter size court playing over the regular size of the net. In this Stage, students further develop a technique of all basic tennis strokes and are introduced to more advanced tennis strokes and match play tactics. View here what students learn in this class. 



GREEN (9-11 years): 

60 minutes, 6:1 Player to Coach Ratio, Mo - Thur - 4:45pm


Students in the Green Stage use the full-size court and low compression green ball which helps players to have longer rallies with their peers without having to adjust their technique. This is a stage where students can be introduced to first green ball Junior Development Tournaments where they can experience a matchplay outside of the club. View here what students learn in this class. 



Our Hot Shots Classes In Pictures 

For all enquiries about our Hot Shots program or to book a free trial lesson, please complete the enquiry below

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